The Zonal leaders along with the Executive Team of the Bangalore CRI met at St Philomena's Nursing School on July 19, 2017.
The meeting began at 2:30 pm with Fr Edward Thomas, the President of the Bangalore CRI introducing Mr. Elisha Andrews, the Resource Person.
Mr. Elisha Andrews is one of the Government Official dealing with the Election Process.
He enlightened the gathering on various aspects of the Election Process:
1. Checking the status of the Voter ID Card through the website
2. Identifying and Rectifying mistakes/manipulations in the Electoral List while going for Voting
3. Empowering others in registering properly in the Electoral Lists
He also briefed about the various categories like 1A, 2A, 2B, 3A and 3B and exhorted the religious to assert their minority rights.
This was followed by a Session by Fr Edward, where he exhorted the Zonal Leaders to become catalysts in helping all the CRI members to get actively involved in procuring Voter IDs for all.
He also introduced and informed about a "Show-of-Strength" Rally being planned for the 17th of Sep, 2017 at St Joseph's Indian School Grounds. Volunteers were also invited for working for this programme by spending 5 hours/week
The meeting concluded by 5 pm with tea and refreshments for all