1. Local Units execute the Policies and decisions of the National &Regional Assemblies.

2. Foster cooperation among religious throughout the diocese/area especially in time of trouble, with diocesan authorities, Political and social forces keeping in mind the pastoral vision and particular needs of the church in that area. Acts as an effective link between religious and particular needs of the church in that area. Acts as an effective link between religious and the KRCR by assuming the responsibility for implementing at the local level those decisions taken at the Regional level which Pertains to the diocese/area. It collaborates and networks with other organizations with similar objectives for common good.

3. Aims at fruitful collaboration and dialogue between the religious and local Ordinary of the area.
i. By inviting him to some of sessions for matters of mutual concern
ii. By cooperating with the Local Ordinary in establishing joint committees with religious
iii. By endeavoring to participate in making a Pastoral Plan with common concerns for the diocese with the Bishop, Diocesan Clergy and actively implementing the same in the diocese/area
iv. The Episcopal Vicar for Religious should attend some sessions of all the Local CRI meetings.

4. In Important matters of policy decisions and publishing, the Local units of CRI should be accountable to the Regional Executive Council and get its approval.

Local Executive Council

a. The Local Superiors or their delegates of each Local Unit elect the Local Executive Council from the local superiors. It is composed of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and at least 2 councilors.
b. Normally the term of office of the office bearers is three years and can be re-elected.
c. In The election of the local Executive Council, care should be taken that adequate Representation is given to Priests, Brothers, Sisters, Congregations and areas.
d. Conveners for Priests, Brothers and Sisters will be elected by their respective groups if separate meeting of these sections are feasible are Feasible and advisable.

The Local President

a. The Local President is elected by the local Assembly
b. He/she presides over and co-ordinates the Local Executive Council meeting and local Assembly.
c. He/she gives DIRECTIONS TO THE Secretary.
d. When the President is absent or incapacitated, the Vice-President assumes the functions of the President.

The Local Secretary

a. The local secretary functions as secretary to the local Assembly and the local Executive Council. He/she assumes at the local level functions of animation and coordination.
b. He/she is responsible for the custody of the movable and immovable properties of the local CRI Unit, its archives, and funds and for making disbursements with an approved budget, proper accounting and auditing. If he/she is also the Treasurer.


a. Local Unit meets at least thrice a year; executive council meets at least thrice a year and as often is required.
b. Separate sectional meetings for priests, brothers and sisters may be held whenever found necessary and useful.
c. Local assembly may identify special areas of concern in the diocese/area and set up different commissions or action cells and coordinate/collaborate with regional/diocesan Commissions/cells in Order to respond to these special areas of concerns .
d. To foster contact with the region-regional executive secretary is invited to local assembly
e. To foster collaboration with the Local Ordinary of the diocese, the Bishop of diocese may be invited for some local assembly.

Elections and Voting

a. The officer bearers are elected by the local Assembly by secret ballot or by show of hands as decided by the Assembly.
b. The elections are decided by an absolute majority (half plus one) of valid and certain
c. If after the first ballot no candidate obtains such absolute majority, a second ballot is held immediately. If nobody gets the required majority at the second ballot, a third ballot is held. In The third only two persons getting the highest number of votes in the second ballot, the will have passive vote, and these two will not have active. In the third ballot , the one getting the greater number of votes is declared elected even without an absolute majority. If There is a tie at the third ballot, the senior by first profession, and if the two were profession, and if the were professed on the same day, the senior by age is chosen.
d. The newly elected office bearers take charge only at conclusion of the Assembly electing them.


a. Membership fees and contributions are proposed by the local Executive council and decided by the local assembly.
b. Annual financial report is presented to the local assembly and Approved by it. Annual budget is presented to the local executive Council and approved by it.


At the local level, the CRI Units collaborate with the Bishop.


a. Membership fees and contributions are proposed by the local Executive council and decided by the local assembly.
b. Annual financial report is presented to the local assembly and Approved by it. Annual budget is presented to the local executive Council and approved by it.

Zonal Level Coordination

The zonal level coordination is necessitated due to the vastness of the diocese/area. Therefore a similar structure of the local Unit is applicable to the zonal coordination as well except for the below given terms and conditions.

a. The zonal unit will meet at least thrice a year and execute the polices and decisions of the National/Regional and Local Assemblies.
b. The Zonal Executive Council comprises the President, Secretary and Treasurer and a councilor.
c. Term of office of the office bearers are for one Year and can be re-elected for another year; ensure representation of priests, brothers and sisters in the term.
d. The Elections held on the beginning of June every year (leadership in rotation) and action plan is prepared and executed accordingly.
e. The zonal team helps the local Unit Treasurer to collect the membership fee from the communities of their zone by the end of July every year an amount of Rs 200/-per year per community. The receipts will be issued to this effect.
f. Annual report of the zonal activities is submitted by secretary before the end of February every year